Internaional? Confused and Doubted.
Foreigner, I see and tell me that the world that aparted by the Pacific is very unpredictable.
I had found out that not to share your own original works to the foreign for free or released without any claims and without the action of telling someone not to do something. Especially the place across the sea or far from your country. Indeed, like mine anticipation, my works had been used (or maybe vended) in the situation that didn't inform me, also, worst of the all, some people claimed that the works were made by him. It is too ridiculous, perhaps the legislation of the literary property in the US seem have some accidents. Protect the native copyright and disregard the foreign??
So far, the road of the Modding seem much hard than I thought.
薩哉爾璨 (Sa Za Er'Zun),藏語中的創世紀第一鐘聲,時間與空間最初的萌生之地,所有世界的的交點,所有一切的匯集,凌駕於一切之上,是虛無,也是存在,萬物真理的最初本質。