How come the Dubieians so wealthy in that very way?
The easist answer is as the Dubieian barth, they will get a mass of land and 1 millon piso!!
薩哉爾璨 (Sa Za Er'Zun),藏語中的創世紀第一鐘聲,時間與空間最初的萌生之地,所有世界的的交點,所有一切的匯集,凌駕於一切之上,是虛無,也是存在,萬物真理的最初本質。
星期日, 5月 07, 2006
星期五, 5月 05, 2006
Internaional? Confused and Doubted.
Foreigner, I see and tell me that the world that aparted by the Pacific is very unpredictable.
I had found out that not to share your own original works to the foreign for free or released without any claims and without the action of telling someone not to do something. Especially the place across the sea or far from your country. Indeed, like mine anticipation, my works had been used (or maybe vended) in the situation that didn't inform me, also, worst of the all, some people claimed that the works were made by him. It is too ridiculous, perhaps the legislation of the literary property in the US seem have some accidents. Protect the native copyright and disregard the foreign??
So far, the road of the Modding seem much hard than I thought.
Internaional? Confused and Doubted.
Foreigner, I see and tell me that the world that aparted by the Pacific is very unpredictable.
I had found out that not to share your own original works to the foreign for free or released without any claims and without the action of telling someone not to do something. Especially the place across the sea or far from your country. Indeed, like mine anticipation, my works had been used (or maybe vended) in the situation that didn't inform me, also, worst of the all, some people claimed that the works were made by him. It is too ridiculous, perhaps the legislation of the literary property in the US seem have some accidents. Protect the native copyright and disregard the foreign??
So far, the road of the Modding seem much hard than I thought.
Today dawn, I sudden whim to go surfing the photo albums of mine high school classmates, just as expected, mine relations with others were not that good.
Only 2 photos have mine face on it.
Mmmm.... Maybe I have to stop becoming more home-stayinglizative, must add more inter-relationships with orthers.
Today dawn, I sudden whim to go surfing the photo albums of mine high school classmates, just as expected, mine relations with others were not that good.
Only 2 photos have mine face on it.
Mmmm.... Maybe I have to stop becoming more home-stayinglizative, must add more inter-relationships with orthers.
星期三, 5月 03, 2006
他的超連結 巴哈狂熱份子
To be honesty, in order to make the content more diversificate and substantial, that things which (maybe) can be put on this blog will be added. :)
His blog Links (however , is chinese, so I think no deed to put ay here for my lazy)
他的超連結 巴哈狂熱份子
To be honesty, in order to make the content more diversificate and substantial, that things which (maybe) can be put on this blog will be added. :)
His blog Links (however , is chinese, so I think no deed to put ay here for my lazy)
星期二, 5月 02, 2006
Maybe there are to many blogs that write blogs for self, reading self blogs.
Accordings CQD saying, the shortest distance of two webpages are four hyperlinks. Among the ocean of the blogs, which stranger will be the next visitant?
Maybe there are to many blogs that write blogs for self, reading self blogs.
Accordings CQD saying, the shortest distance of two webpages are four hyperlinks. Among the ocean of the blogs, which stranger will be the next visitant?
海莉的 May It Be .但願他是
May It Be by Enya
「魔戒」系列電影可以說是在本世紀 喧 騰一時,此曲為2001年「魔戒首部曲」轟動上映時,由世界音樂天后恩雅親自創作演唱,並入圍第74屆奧斯卡最佳電影 原著曲。海莉總是在訪問中提到「魔戒」中的神射手奧蘭多布魯 Orlando Bloom 是他最喜愛的演員,加上「魔戒」加上系列全景都在海莉的家鄉紐西蘭拍攝,令她每次再錄音或演唱時都特別進入狀況,海莉晶瑩剔透的絕美天賴詮釋,茹雲霧飄 渺,其中間穿插精靈語的演唱段落,繚繞出幻麗的性靈之歌。
May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be you journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now
「魔戒」系列電影可以說是在本世紀 喧 騰一時,此曲為2001年「魔戒首部曲」轟動上映時,由世界音樂天后恩雅親自創作演唱,並入圍第74屆奧斯卡最佳電影 原著曲。海莉總是在訪問中提到「魔戒」中的神射手奧蘭多布魯 Orlando Bloom 是他最喜愛的演員,加上「魔戒」加上系列全景都在海莉的家鄉紐西蘭拍攝,令她每次再錄音或演唱時都特別進入狀況,海莉晶瑩剔透的絕美天賴詮釋,茹雲霧飄 渺,其中間穿插精靈語的演唱段落,繚繞出幻麗的性靈之歌。
May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be you journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now
恩雅的 Loxian
The Loxian of Enya
The Loxian, the mysterious, legendary and garrulous language. It seemed that Enya really like to compose hers lyric by using Loxian.Buy th way, it is also the Quenya in the Lord of the Rign.
At frist, I'm not very grasp it language structure, but if you listen it more narrowly, you will find out the grammer is similar to the Latin, but the pronunciations of each letters of the alphabet are different.
The Loxian of Enya
The Loxian, the mysterious, legendary and garrulous language. It seemed that Enya really like to compose hers lyric by using Loxian.Buy th way, it is also the Quenya in the Lord of the Rign.
At frist, I'm not very grasp it language structure, but if you listen it more narrowly, you will find out the grammer is similar to the Latin, but the pronunciations of each letters of the alphabet are different.
做MOD那時有個心血來潮就是做個電影介紹短片,當然以我家那台破破的電腦去玩那種500萬個多變形的把戲是很愚蠢的,所以以我改用粒子的方式去建立,不 過這卻更愚蠢,為了創造出霧霧的感覺,4000億兆個粒子,沒錯,每個畫格要跑4000億兆個粒子,當我知道我要完成這部5分鐘的短片輸出時間高達 4334天18小時47分鐘27秒時,相當於木星繞太陽1圈的時間,我想還是回去乖乖的去做模型不要想這種天方夜譚了。
星期一, 5月 01, 2006
....月球不是一個自然天體,而更像一個人造天體;月球在去掉久遠年代積存在表面宇宙塵埃包括隕石碎片後,是由一個堅硬金屬構成的球體,球體內部是 空心的...(更多...).
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